I use this to transfer files sometimes in a pinch.
It uses the tool netcat which is nc on the command line.

To create a simple single file server:
nc -l -p 1234 < file

This example listens on port 1234 on knoppix, and when
you connect to that port in a browser from another machine, the contents of the file named 'file' are sent to the client.

Here is an example of when I used it to get an excel file.
I went to the directory where the file exists, and typed in:

nc -l -p 1234 < 10.xls

then i go to my browser on the other machine
then i let it load (it looked garbled, but thats what the actual text of an excel file looks like if you were to cat it) and I think you have to hit stop after you see it's done.
I then go to file and save, and save it as 10.xls.
I can then open it in excel on the client computer.

I know there are about 1000 different ways I could have grabbed that file, and I can't promise that it will work in your situation, but this is tips & tricks and I think it's a cool trick.

Here are some more netcat tips and tricks.
