Hello Knoppix Fans,

Klaus may have believed it when he started Knoppix and it
seems there are still people around who believe it, namely
that Knoppix is a Linux distribution for people ignorant of
Linux who want to see it in action with a minimum of effort.
Live from a CD!

It is not. Almost everybody using Knoppix is an experienced
Linux user or a fresh Linux convert, already running away
from Windows for what reasons ever. Knoppix is used as a
rescue system or as a Debian variant with superior hardware
recognition. People who run it from CD are not Windows users
who are intrigued about the new gospel, they may rather be
evangelists themselves.

As for the rescue feature there is not much to be said. It
is a good thing and should go on as single CD distro.

But the major issue is Knoppix as Debian variant for a large
user basis. The user basis is certainly there because Debian
itself is difficult to install and the Debian based distros
with good installers (Libranet, Xandros, Lindows) are
commercial products. Additionally, in Germany the king of
the market, SuSe, has alienated Joe User refusing to allow
for free ISO images. This also goes to say that the Knoppix
user basis can only be among home users since companies
mostly opt for SuSe/Redhat. Even if they opt for Debian,
they do not need Knoppix.

So here is the consequence I want to draw: Knoppix should
become a partial Debian distribution either purely Debian
testing or purely Debian instable. The probable implication
is that it will have to be Debian instable.

At that stage, there would be no problems when trying to
manage your hard disk Knoppix as Debian since it is Debian.
And Knoppix would give a strong push to Linux penetration of
the home user market. And the discussion on what should be
included or not would lose relevance since after the initial
(and customized) hard disk install everything available for
Debian could easily be integrated - which may not be so easy
today. One CD would be enough and the DVD would be
secondary. Klaus would make humanity happy with two CD
releases per year while anybody advising to large updates
online would be sent 6 months to New Dehli with a modem
connection only.

Oh yes, I know that the script for the hard disk install is
quite modest but I trust it is going to change quite soon.

Just my two cents of wisdom.
