Sorry if I have been using the wrong search entries to find an answer on Google and besides I am relatively new to Knoppix, (and completely new in this forum) but I have been faced with a recurring problem. I have been using Knoppix for some time as a live cd especially for pc's with a lot of windows problems when I am unable to enter in XP save mode. So it works fine for me to copy all the data with the help of Knoppix to an external HDD and start to "format without fear" However, when Knoppix boots I see a lot of info about drivers for soundcard, NIC etc, and since XP often doesn't recognise as many drivers as Knoppix does, I would like to find that driver info somewhere and save it to a text file (on the external dvd of course). I think there is also a possibility to download them during the Knoppix session (and save them to the dvd again) but the simple fact that I will know what drivers I will have to look for is already helpful enough.