I want to copy files from 9X HDD that won't boot, to a newer HDD that I have installed Win9x on.

I did a 9x minimum install on the new HDD, and made a folder (named lodi) to move or copy the old files to.

I have the new HDD installed as master, and the old one as slave. Windows can not see the slave.

I ran the Knoppix 4.02 DVD on a DVD R/RW, and could see the files in hdb1, and open the small ones. I could not ID the filesystem running the DVD from a DVD ROM.

I tried to drag and drop folders from hdb1 to hda1

For exampe, I tried to copy (by drag and drop) the folder acroread from hda1 to the lodi folder on hdb1. I get the following message:
"Could not make folder /mnt/hda1/lodi/acroread."

I gave all permissions user, group, and others for both hda1, and hdb1. (-rwxrwxrwx)

Under the Knoppix properties for hda1 on the permissions tab there are the following:

Class Read Write Exec Special

Users x x x Set UID

Group x x x Set GID

Others x x x Set Sticky

I am not familiar with the column under the Special column. I can guess the first 2, but will have to google Sticky. I would not be suprised if googleing "Sticky" sent me to a porn site.

The permissions are the same for hdb1

The funny think is that when I place the pointer ofer the hda1 or hdba icon on the desktop at the bottom of the message is the line "Writeable: No"

I suspect that I need to set UID, GID, or Sticky.

I do have a 52x24x52x CD burner on my computer that I could copy the files to. I am thinking about replacing it w/another DVD R/RW, so that I could put everything on one disk. There is about 4GB of material to be copied.

I looked at some of the posts relevent to XP, and 2000, but am wondering if there is info specific to 9x.

I have not tried copying to a CD yet, as I still need to learn how to do that using Knoppix.