Hello, I am somewhat new and inexperienced with linux, especially a live cd distro of linux, this is probably the reason I am having my problem so any solution that could be recommended would be very much appreciated.

I would seem to be having a problem getting files that I have saved onto my desktop to load after rebooting from my configuration file. When I used the saveconfig command in terminal to save my configuration I selected the save personal desktop files dialog option that pops up and, then to test and make sure that my configuration will load properly I restart the computer and at the boot screen I type knoppix myconfig/mnt/uba1 and I watch the bootup of knoppix and see a message indicating that the configuration file is being loaded and executed but when I get to the desktop after knoppix has loaded, the files I had added to the desktop prior to using saveconfig were no where to be found, I have not yet begun to experiment with changing the configurations on any of the applications or devices yet, I would like to resolve this problem with my desktop files first, so any help from the community to this enthusiastic linux newbie would be greatly appreciated