Quote Originally Posted by Keithj
Finally found the fix!

A friend who's been playing with Linux had the same problem, and fixed it by changing the program used for "Display" in "Control Center". Make that Konqueror, and all is well. What changed it from Konqueror in the first place, neither of us knows. But there's the fix, anyway. Took a few months, but we got there in the end.
Good of you to post back. and persistent to stick with it for months in spite of problems.

Some disappointing posts in this thread; especially the "install windows" idea.

You may have already discovered that desktop links are just text files specifying what to run & how to run it. You can open them in a text editor (Kate is the best one, IMHO) & change whatever you want ...even to the point of screwing up the link completely. You can also change most things (including what program to run) by right clicking & select properties.