Okay, so when I did the hdd install for Knoppix 3.7 (Debian-style), I told it to write the bootloader to /root instead of /mbr because I was scared of screwing up my MBR and messing up my windows bootloader. I know from previous installers that you can use the dd command to write the bootloader to an image file (dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/mnt/floppy/bootimage.img bs=512 count=1) and then copy that image to the nt drive and add the line C:\bootimage.img="Linux" to boot.ini .. I did all this for a previous redhat install and it worked fine, but things aren't going well for knoppix/debian. I know the problem isn't with the image, because I was able to use dd to write the image to the boot sector of another floppy, and it worked as a bootdisk (I booted with it just now, and am using it). Has anybody dealt with this? Thanks for any help!