Quote Originally Posted by Capricorny View Post
Well, where I live, I can get a 64GB SSD disk for less than 100 Euro, which is less than quality USB sticks the same size. I think that would accomodate the needs you describe? SSD is faster and safer.

I think I see what you are doing. With the need for direct datasharing with Windows on another PC, that NTFS partition should be close to optimal in your case. But just a wee bit smaller - see below.

It seems to be, but I still find it a bit impractical. Starting from the DVD image instead of the CD doesn't add much to costs nowadays, and it can save you - and other users - a lot of time and trouble. You need much less extra installs, and a therefore a smaller persistent image. So the net installation might in fact end up being about the same size.

If it works well, I would say it is per definition OK! I have just posted here on the forum an update on using Grub only in two-partition cases like yours. http://www.knoppix.net/forum/threads...e-from-scratch Referring to that, in your case, you can follow it, and make the boot partition bigger, to accomodate the Knoppix and persistent images.

It is of some importance that you have a rudimentary understanding of what is going on. Don't be afraid of asking, but the more homework you do, the better the questions will be, and the answers.

Easily solved with a USB HD, for example a used one from a pc mounted in a 2.5" external cabinet. There you keep a backup of at least the current version of the USB stick. You might want to store earlier versions of the virtual machine and persistent store, too, in compressed form they won't take up much space, and you can then always rollback to an earlier setup if something goes wrong. You do NOT need a remastering for this, and a remastering will NOT solve your backup problems.

Again, you don't need to remaster for this. You just make two tarball or, maybe for Windows users, zip archives: One with Knoppix+persistent store, and one with the vm. The vm may be somewhat problematic, but the Knoppix archive you can just distribute. The steps for setting up media could also be included in a script. It is much easier for newbies to get a version with a started and trimmed persistent store than a version where modifications are compressed and read-only.

Remastering is, IMHO, for more special needs, for example:
1. You absolutely want to keep the whole Knoppix package as small as possible. Then you start with the CD version, install extra programs as needed, and remaster. But in cases like yours, it may be rather little space to save.
2. You want an updated system. Package updates can take up several GB from persistent store, so it makes sense to remaster an updated system.
3. You want an essentially read-only system, minimizing size and use of persistent store. But then you may also reduce customizability, is that what your users need and want, really? Might be, might not.
4. You have much more programs to install than fits in the persistent image. That's my case for remastering, but I used Knoppix for years before I did it - could solve all problems in other ways.

Don't be afraid to ask! In the worst case, you might be advised to do more homework - which is not to be taken badly either.
Just last question.
1-How can I remove all packages other than drivers and install VBox.OSE from knoppix. ?
2-Where Knoppix locates Virtualbox configuration files ?