Say it ain't so! I was going to do a poor man's install with the latest greatest KNOPPIX ISO this Sept when my new lab is installed....

Oh, you can druel now: 25 Pentium IV 2.4 Ghz, 778MB RAM, 120 GB HDD, I don't know the rest yet (sound, video, etc.) - but thank God I don't have to deal with those 2 labs anymore I had last year!!!

Well, the only time I've gotten an error like this in the past was because I had a bad copy of the KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX file or bad CD media or bad HDD media or an incomplete copy to the HDD (is your HDD full? is it too small?).

I have poor man installed all V3.1 releases of KNOPPIX and all V3.2 releases of KNOPPIX up to 2003.0606 without a problem. The only reason I've encountered these errors in the past is due to the fact that when I upgrade to a new release, I'm copying KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX to 50 PCs for my students' 2 computer science labs (so I do this alot) and I do so with very old (sometimes unreliable) hardware!

Also, you say that you've been able to poor man install MORPHIX too? I've never had success with that, how did you do it? Pray, tell, do!

As to NTFS, I think that garyng's post spoke of updating the Linux NTFS drivers from the 1.x version that KNOPPIX uses to the newer 2.x driver. I imagine that means on a full hdinstall or a remaster, not the poor man's install. Right?

BTW, the old script for a full Debian Linux install to a Linux partition was knx-hdinstall. Which directory was that in again?

Also, there's a newer script, right? What's it called, where do I find it and how do I use it??? If the poor man install won't work with the latest KNOPPIX ISO, I may have to break down and actually do a hdinstall.