My Win XP Service Pack 3 OS stopped booting two days ago and I looked and looked for a Win XP reboot software/utility on physical CD (since I don't like downloading from sites or burning CD's). After a LOT of searching I finally decided to purchase a Knoppix CD and I hope it will at least reboot my computer so I can look at the files or backup the files to my external hd. If there's anyone else here who is also a Win XP user who has successfully done this, I'd love to hear how it went, any problems, etc. My hard drive is not partitioned and as far as I know is a single standard drive, running on a Toshiba laptop. My laptop came with a "recovery" disc which I thought was a boot disc but NO, it would have wiped out everything I haven't backed up. I didn't want that. I realize Knoppix may not be able to fix errors but I just want to get back into my system and look at it so I can start the process of putting it back into proper boot mode. Thanks, I hope to hear from anyone who has similar problems or ideas to share on this....