Quote Originally Posted by ialtaparmakov
Quote Originally Posted by Capricorny
(For me, that's another reason to stay away from it) When personal data/programs are not in a image file, it's probably harder to do simple upgrades etc. But it should be possible - I just can't see any good reason to work that way.
so by this you tel me : "For me, that's another reason to stay away from linux at all"

it seems that linux is so user unfriendly.... and community says that i have to stay away from hd install ...
If you are not willing to use software the way it is intended to be used, but insist on stretching and bending the rules without the necessary insight to do it right, then lots of software will seem unfriendly, I think.
Either you learn the simple, stupid way to install Knoppix to HD, which most of us use, OR you use another diistro suited for your way of working OR you learn how to customize Knoppix your way properly. By the time you have learned halfway enough to get the third approach working, I guess you have started to agree with us.