Well, I'm back. I ordered the knoppix 6.7.1 DVD and have installed it to a USB.

Have KeepNote running

Have SpiderOak running (sort of)

Iceweasel 6.0.2 and IceDove 3.1.13 do come up I'm wondering how these compare with the 8.0 versions I'm running with FireFox and Thunderbird on Windows XP, Windows 7 and ubuntu 11.10 ?

Don't mean to be a spoil sport and not a team player, but is it hard to run the current and real versions of Firefox and Thunderbird with knoppix? I'd like to run the Lightning calendar, which I think requires the latest 8.0 versions (not sure).

When I bring up the addons windown with icedov - I'm not sure where to see the install addons from a file lilnk.

When I bring up the addons window from iceweasel I get loading... that does not go away. Seemed like this worked earlier, maybe a mozilla server issue.