Quote Originally Posted by ialtaparmakov
Quote Originally Posted by Capricorny
At least you seem to be too stupid to understand what people try to say: We are NOT saying you are too stupid to use Linux, we urge you to use Knoppix the simple, stupid ways we others do it. We TRY to explain that what you try to do takes more skill and patience than most of us care to have.
If you think that's not nice to try to do, it's quite OK with me. But please don't project any unfriendlyness into this. It's for the benefit of all, not the least yourself.

you are very nice
If I were employed by Microsoft to make Linux look bad and make people stay away from it, I would probably have done exactly what you are doing now: Taking one of the best and most generally useful pieces of Linux software ever produced, use it in a way it was not intended to work, with focus on an inherently problematic piece of software (OpenOffice), complaining about not being able to make it work your way, and then blame/fllame the people trying to help you out of the mess you have got yourself into.

I don't say that you are a troll, but I point out that you behave exactly like a professional troll might have done.