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Thread: Tweaks for Knoppix 6.7.1

  1. #1
    Senior Member registered user
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    May 2006
    Columbia, Maryland USA

    Tweaks for Knoppix 6.7.1

    Optional tweaks appropriate to Knoppix 6.7.1 LiveUSB that I've found useful.

    OS-related Minor Changes--located in usr, etc, root & mnt-system, where mpt#='minor program tweak(#)'
    Abbreviated description of changes:....................... OS file locations related to changes:
    Use Synaptic to downgrade lxpanel to stable 0.5.6-1....... /usr/bin/lxpanel (req'd for lxmenu if lxpanel at top)
    Use Synaptic to add bleachbit for re-mastering............ /usr/bin/bleachbit & ~/.config/bleachbit
    Use Synaptic to add ntpdate; see also mpt4................ /usr/sbin/ntpdate & /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate
    Use Prefs menu to install M$ fonts & flash plug-in........ /usr/sbin/knoppix-install-extras zenity menu choices
    Use mpt1 to add lxpanel menu entries for mc & alsamixer.. /usr/share/applications/................................(1)
    Use mpt2 & gui to set firewall mode='easy', active='yes'.. /etc/sysconfig/firewall & /usr/sbin/firewall line 288...(2)
    Use mpt3 to re-establish /var/log/syslog.................. /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig/syslog-knoppix.conf......(3)
    Use mpt4 to to adjust for local time...................... /etc/default/rcS & /mnt-system/boot/syslog/syslog.conf..(4)
    Use mpt5 to change a parameter for bash's use with mc..... /etc/bash.bashrc ('=ignoredups' -> '=ignoreboth').......(5)
    Use mpt6 to disable touchpad.............................. /etc/X11/Xsession.d/15x11-disable-synaptics.............(6)
    Use mpt7 to delete desktop 'knoppix' icon................. /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45knoppix comment out line 200......(7)
    Use mpt8 & backup to RECORD update*.tar.gz................ /root/backup -> /mnt-system/update*.tar.gz...........(
    **To RESTORE KNOPPIX-DATA....................(use tar -xzf /mnt-system/update*.tar.gz -C / command)

    Details of the numbered tweaks:
    1. Add lxpanel menu entries for mc and alsamixer:
    Use /usr/share/applications/htop.desktop as a pattern to define similar mc.desktop
    and alsamixer.desktop files in /usr/share/applications/. Of course-- change Name,
    Comment, Exec, Icon, GenericName entries as appropriate to provide these two new
    choices on the SystemTools submenu.

    2. Correct a minor bug in knoppix-firewall:
    Add debian-knoppix repo to Synaptic, reload, and upgrade firewall-knoppix
    to 0.5-6; then for example, set (or accept) mode='easy', active='yes'.

    3. Re-establish /var/log/syslog:
    Edit /etc/syslog-knoppix.conf to contain the line
    *.*;auth,authpriv.none (tab here) /var/log/syslog
    I know you can find syslog at Ctl-Alt-F12, but it's harder to work with that.

    4. One way to define time settings, for example for Eastern US Time:
    Set hardware clock to local time; in /etc/default/rcS, set 'UTC=no'; and in
    /mnt-system/boot/syslinux/syslinux.conf, set kernel option to 'tz=America/New_York'.
    To be independent of Windows 7 in providing for the correct transition between
    Daylight-Savings and Standard time, add ntpdate and allow it internet access to NTP.
    Really optional: my favorite digital clock format is %l:%M%P. (note, small 'ell')

    5. Change a 'history control' setting affecting bash's use with mc:
    Edit /etc/bash.bashrc line 15, changing'=ignoredups' to '=ignoreboth'.

    6. Disable the touchpad, if you have & prefer a wireless mouse:
    Add a one-line program, called /etc/X11/Xsession.d/15x11-disable-synaptics,
    containing the command
    synclient "TouchpadOff=1"
    Make this root:root ownership and executable.

    7. Delete the 'knoppix' desktop icon:
    If you don't need or can't find a use for what this icon provides, then you can
    make the desktop less cluttered by editing /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45knoppix by
    commenting out line 200; that is, the line following the comment
    '# Create a link to our KNOPPIX DVD'.
    Fair warning: DO NOT, as an alternative, use pcmanfm to 'trash' this icon.

    8. Make a backup of personal-settings:
    The following works for me. Don't use all available Mb on your USB for persistence;
    leave a few hundred Mb in /mnt-system for self-contained, personal-settings backups.
    Assuming you and backup are both in /root, do './backup'; this will produce a compressed
    file, update*.tar.gz, in /mnt-system, where * represents a date. When required to
    replace a spoiled KNOPPIX-DATA, do 'tar -xzf /mnt-system/update*.tar.gz -C /' to restore
    KNOPPIX-DATA to an earlier, presumably healthier state. My backups are about 53 Mb.
    # /root/backup
    # remember to do 'chmod +x backup' & 'chown root:root backup'
    cd /; STOR=/mnt-system/update$(date +'%m%d%H').tar.gz
    echo -e 'Compressing data; patience, this may take a little time..\c'
    tar -cz --exclude=*/Cache/*\ 
        -f  $STOR KNOPPIX-DATA/home/ KNOPPIX-DATA/etc/ KNOPPIX-DATA/root/\
    echo '.Done.'; echo 'Restore using the command, tar -xzf '$STOR' -C /'
    exit 0
    utu, 18Nov11
    Last edited by utu; 11-19-2011 at 01:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Columbia, Maryland USA
    An addendum to the personal backup/update*.tar.gz idea:

    Save thus to /mnt-system to help remind yourself how to restore
    your persistent store if it becomes corrupted.

    If the LiveUSB will not boot as usual, then start over
    and at the 'boot:' prompt, input 'knoppix noimage' and knoppix
    should boot with the original CD version of Knoppix 6.7.1.

    After this has booted, then re-establish KNOPPIX-DATA with the
    command, as root, 'tar -xzf update112410.tar.gz -C /',
    assuming the saved update is 'update112410.tar.gz'.

    Once that is completed, reboot again, and knoppix-data.img
    should have been rolled-back to a former state.
    Some recent changes in usr/ may not survive,
    but all of home/ root/ etc/ & syslinux.cfg should be preserved.
    Last edited by utu; 11-28-2011 at 02:23 AM.

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