Quote Originally Posted by kl522 View Post
In any case, the steps above involved will be somewhat tricky to the Linux newbies. I wish there
is a cheatcode called "upgrade=/dev/sda4:/master/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX" which will automatically
perform the upgrade. I will leave this as an exercise for those interested to do so by modifying minirt.gz.
If you organise thing right, you can use cheat codes that are already there (assuming Knoppix 6.4.3 or equivalent).

Suppose the Knoppix you have just remastered is on filesystem /dev/sdb1 under the directory KNOPPIX. Suppose further that you arranged for the new remastered Knoppix to be on device /dev/sda1 under the directory /home/yourself/remaster. This directory contains both the new KNOPPIX file and the cleaned-up knoppix-data.img (or aes) file. I don't think it has to contain all the other little files normally found in the KNOPPIX directory but it wouldn't hurt.

You can now reboot to the remastered knoppix for test purposes with the cheat codes:

fromhd=/dev/sda1 knoppix_dir=home/yourself/remaster
The directory /home/yourself/remaster has to be a real directory (avoid symbolic links and mount points). A nice feature of this approach is that /dev/sda1 doesn't have to be a vfat file system so long as it is a) visible at boot time and b) of a type the init script understands. This means it could (you didn't get this from me) be your ntfs Windows 7 main disk.

If the new remastered Knoppix seems to be working OK you can use it to copy the new KNOPPIX file over the old one:

mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1
cp -pf /mnt-system/home/yourself/remaster/KNOPPIX /media/sdb1/KNOPPIX/
Then clean up the old knoppix-data.img:

mkdir knoppix_tmp
sudo mount -o loop=/dev/loop1 /media/sdb1/KNOPPIX/knoppix-data.img knoppix_tmp/
cd knoppix_tmp
sudo rm -fr $(ls --ignore=home --ignore=var);
Finally, reboot Knoppix from your USB stick 'as normal'.