dinosoep wonders ...

is there a way to not break anything while still copying to a ntfs filesystem?
Well, yes there is. Have you noticed how Knoppix uses (compressed) loop devices a lot ? You can think of these as filesystems-in-a-file instead of filesystems-on-a-partition. You can use the same trick to create an Linux file system on an ntfs partition.

There are four steps:

1. Mount your ntfs partition under Knoppix (if not already mounted). That will probably be something like:

mount /media/sda1
2. Create a large file on it. How big depends but for remastering the Knoppix CD let's guess 4 Gb is enough. You need something like:

dd bs=4K count=1M if=/dev/zero of=/media/sda1/big.one
3. Create a file system in the big file:

mkfs -t ext3 -F /media/sda1/temp/big.one
4. Mount the file as a loop back device:

mount -o loop /media/sda1/temp/big.one /lots_of_free_space
You may need to sudo one or more of the commands and, of course, adapt the parameters to your particular situation. The mkfs command takes many parameters and some may be more useful in this situation than others.