Okay, did some research and best I can tell, all I should need to do is move the contents of /home to /dev/sda3 and add an appropriate line in /etc/fstab for /dev/sda3. I've done this, and it mostly works, except with one hang-up: /dev/sda3 isn't mounting automatically at boot. Upon a fresh boot, /home is empty and the terminal acts like / is my home directory(it even links ~ to /). Running sudo mount -a mounts /dev/sda3 at /home and after exiting to the Adriane menu and returning to the shell, everything works just fine. here is the relevant line from my /etc/fstab: /dev/sda3 /home reiserfs defaults,auto 0 0 My fstab otherwise remains unaltered from the knoppix default. Any ideas as to what's wrong?